
Blood Type: B / General Overview

The Type B Diet is balanced, wholesome, and includes a wide variety of foods. Type Bs, are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern life, such as heart disease and cancer. In fact, a Type B who carefully follows the recommended diet can often bypass severe disease and live a long and healthy life.


Wheat reduce insulin efficiency and failure to stimulate fat "burning" in Type Bs. Rye contain a lectin that settles in the vascular system causing blood disorders and potentially strokes.

Most Beneficial
Millet, Oat (Bran, flour), Puffed Rice, Rice (bran, flour), and Spelt Flour

Neutral / Allowed Foods
Barley, Basmati Rice Flour (Brown or White), Semolina, Quinoa, and White Flour

Not Allowed
Buckwheat, Bulgur Wheat Flour, Couscus, Durum, Gluten Flour, Graham Flur, Rye Flour, SobaWhole Wheat Flour, and Wild Rice Flour.


Type Bs are Limited to certain types of breads

Most Beneficial
Bread (Brown rice, Essence, Ezekiel, WASA), Fin Crisp, Millet, and Rice cakes

Neutral / Allowed Foods
All kinds except those listed as not allowed

Not Allowed
Amaranth, Bagels, Muffins (Corn and Bran), Bread (Multi-grain Rye, Whole wheat), Soba Nooldes, Wild Rice, Couscousbran muffins, Flour (white, whole wheat), Pasta (Semolina, or spinach), and Pumbernickel.