
Sea Kelp Iodine



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Iodine is a trace mineral that is essential for healthy thyroid function. Iodine also provides the crucial building blocks for the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. The availability of iodized salt, the most common source of iodine, has made iodine deficiency and its accompanying disorder, goiter, very rare in the United States and the developed world. Foods rich in Iodine include seafood, sea vegetables, kelp and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soils. Iodine’s only known function is the role it plays in proper thyroid function. Healthy thyroid function is important for abnormal metabolism, oxygen consumption and energy production. The iodine-dependent hormones that are produced by the thyroid control such functions as body temperature, physical growth, reproduction and the growth of skin and hair. Our Iodine is derived exclusively from Kelp and is available in vegetarian capsules that are 225 mcg. each. 

  • Studies indicate iodine deficiency may be related to fibrocystic breast disease
  • Important for fetal brain development
  • Effectively treats goiter (enlarged thyroid) Important nutrient for proper growth and physical development of children.